Monday 7 September 2009


Monday 10:20 p.m.
September's raspberries are bigger, more succulent, but not as sweet. The earlier ones were a disaster this year, but not the September ones. Red in tooth and claw, so it is.

Whatever it is, kundalini or whatnot, it's getting a lot stronger. You're expecting more heat and you get more ... force. It almost feels as if it's running through you sometimes, but going nowhere; expanding, arising. It makes me feel like meditating an awful lot of the time. Can't begin to tell you how great all this is. It just is. Fabulous feelings. Excitement. You never expect it to become the way it becomes. It constantly surprises. It's wonderful and as weird as hell.

I think I must be a nutter.


Onan said...

Everyone I know is a nutter. It could be argued that thinking you're one is a sign of sanity. The old dear said the other day she thinks she's getting dementia, probably a sign she's not.

Hotboy said...

Albert? How dare you! I was only pretending to be a nutter so you would reveal yourself!! Hotboy

Anonymous said...

I say!

I have an opinion on whether you are a nutter or not, but it would take a long time to explain it.


Anonymous said...

I say!

A sound recording of the Duneditin 2009 True or False quiz is now available at the Duneditin 2009 website.


Hotboy said...

Mingin'! I am not a nutter. Honest. It's everyone else who's nuts! Hope this clarifies matters. Hotboy

rob said...

Mingers, if it's any help, I can explain it very succinctly.