Wednesday 1:50 p.m.
Vase breathing is used in the great juju of jujus to raise inner heat, the foundation practise of the Six Yogas of Naropa.
Quite a few folk arrive on my blogs searching for stuff on vase breathing and they probably meditate, so hurrah for you if you meditate and are interested in vase breathing. Unfortunately, I'm not a reliable source for information on this or anything else, but you may be stuck with joes like me because the folk who know about it probably aren't going to blog about it.
Anagorika Govinda wrote that to raise heat the meditator concentrated on the symbol in the navel chakra and moved that up when that grew hot. Heat should follow the mind in this instance.
These folk can concentrate, Jack! This is a real feat of concentration and I don't think you could get near that without showing fantastic self discipline or being in a closed retreat where you were doing bugger all else.
Tsongkhapa in the Book of the Three Inspirations says you will go to hell if you start raising heat without having the symbols and channels clearly envisioned. If you can look inward and see these things as if they were really there, then you probably are in the same boat as the boy who can raise heat just by making the navel chakra symbol hot.
When I started trying to concentrate on just the navel chakra symbol, I was a little disturbed by the increase in libido and switched to moving up the chakras by using vase breathing. If like me you don't have personal instructions from your guru, you have to try and use your commons sense. I do both these days i.e. concentrate on the navel symbol and sometimes raise the awareness.
The whole technique is described in The Bliss Of Inner Fire, which is a google book and can be read online.
For me the bliss increases the further up the chakras you go. The bliss at the mid-brain chakra is mind blowing. Even if your mind is not particularly calm and your concentration crap, if you can go through this process of raising the awareness using vase breathing then the world has got to be a better place for you. There is an amazing amount of bliss to be checked into and I can honestly say this from my personal experience even although I can't do the technique properly!!
I've been practising moving the awareness back down (even although my visualisations are still crap!) till you're into the perineum and along to the base then the jewel tip chakra. The amount of bliss at the last one has been another wonderful surprise. I hope before I die I can do this properly.
In any case, sometimes when you're moving the awareness upwards, the whole caboodle seems to be wide open and totally blissful. This might be where you're supposed to be heading for anyway. The main thing about vase breathing is that it boosts the bliss. Oh, ra bliss, ra bliss, ra bliss!!
What about the flatheids who can't see the point in meditating, Hotboy? Well, Jack, the flatheids are completely funged. Totally, completely funged!! People who meditate are few and far between and are really the most fortunate of fortunate creatures.
Half two on a Wednesday. I've digested the soap and now for the hut!!